Tel: 540-951-1000
Tel: 540-951-1000
Tel: 540-951-1000
Tel: 540-951-1000
Join us for worship services every Sunday at 10 am in person and via livestream. All are welcome!
Lutherans enjoy a rich history of worship and song that blends ancient traditions with contemporary language and scholarship, while prioritizing the Lutheran emphasis on Word & Sacrament. Holy Communion is celebrated every time we gather for worship, including funerals, weddings and memorials, to remind us of Christ Jesus’ gift of unconditional love and grace.
Our worship services are planned according to the ELCA Liturgical Calendar. The word “liturgy” comes from the Greek, “ leitourgia” which means “the work of the people.” Lutherans understand that it is our joy and our duty to worship our Creator God: we don’t attend worship to “get something out of it,” but to give ourselves, our time and our praise to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Worship at Luther Memorial draws from a wide variety of resources including Evangelical Lutheran Worship; the Revised Common Lectionary; Lutheran composer Marty Haugen’s Holden Evening Prayer and Now the Feast & Celebration; the Taizé contemplative community, and other Christian liturgies throughout the year, as we move through the seasons of Advent, Christmas and Epiphany, Lent, Holy Week, and Pentecost.
Rev. Monica Weber and the Worship team plan weekly worship to enliven and enrich our faith as a response to the Gospel of Christ Jesus. Members of the congregation participate in this planning, including the selection of hymns; members also lend their musical and vocal gifts by singing in the choir or playing instruments; and by serving as Worship Assistants, including Lectors who read Scripture; Ushers and Greeters; Communion Assistants; and Assisting Ministers.
Vicar Andy Taminger pouring water into the font.