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Tel: 540-951-1000
Tel: 540-951-1000
Tel: 540-951-1000
“Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” ~Matthew 25:40
We believe that discipleship under Jesus Christ calls us to extend Christian compassion and helpfulness to the ill, the aged, the orphaned, the underprivileged, the imprisoned and all in need of aid in body or soul. Luther Memorial has a longstanding tradition of mission and community service in the New River Valley. Our faith community strives to live out our commitment to Christ through participation in many programs that benefit God’s people locally, and around the globe. Below is a sample of some of our community outreach partnerships.
Micah's Mini-Pantry at Luther Memorial is stocked with non-perishable foods & personal hygiene products; all items are available for free to anyone in need, but our goal is to specifically address Virginia Tech student food insecurity. Find out more... Click below for a list of needed donations - thank you!
Each month consider donating the suggested items to keep
Micah’s Mini Pantry (MMP) and Blacksburg Interfaith Food Pantry (BIFP) shelves full. Check out and download the list below.
Last year Luther Memorial donated $16,297.73 to various charities with our Change for Change contributions! This year, the Social Ministry Committee has decided to devote our attention to the causes most supported by the congregation as we don't know what additional requests for assistance may develop (e.g., flooding, hurricanes, and wildfires).
Below is the list for 2025.
January...Northside Presbyterian Church
Monday Night Supper Mission
February...Blacksburg Interfaith Food Pantry
March...Micah's Closet
April...NRV Cares
May...Reconcling Works
June...Community Health Clinic of the NRV
July...Blacksburg Interfaith Food Pantry
August...Micah's Closet
September...To Our House
October...To Our House
November...Christmas Outreach VICCC
December...Christmas Outreach VICCC
Change for Change for the month of February is the Blacksburg Interfaith Food Pantry. As most of you are aware, the Pantry has continued to see a growing demand for food. From 2022 to 2024 the number of families visiting the Pantry increased by 98%, the number of individuals increased by 114%. The money that you contribute to the Food Pantry is used in several ways: Luther Memorial purchases all the soap distributed by the Food Pantry, and we also participate in the annual holiday bags by buying a needed food item.
In March, the Food Pantry is conducting a campaign called "Just One Can" to collect 30,000 cans of food. If they succeed, that will be enough canned food for 3 months. They hope to make this an annual event. Luther Memorial can jump start the campaign by collecting cans of food during the month of February. Our goal for this project is 600 cans. Pick up a four pack of vegetables and fruit on your next trip to the grocery store and let's pack the food wagon in the narthex.
The Interfaith Food Pantry is a joint ministry of over twenty-five churches in Blacksburg of varying denominations. The Interfaith Food Pantry relies on cash and food from churches, individuals and other organizations, and serves qualified residents of Blacksburg and McCoy. Find out how you can make a donation or volunteer by visiting their Facebook page.
Lutheran Disaster Response shares God's hope, healing and renewal with people whose lives have been disrupted by disasters in the United States and around the world. When the dust settles and the headlines change, we stay to provide ongoing assistance to those in need. Click here to find out about current programs.
NRV CARES (New River Valley Child Advocacy, Resources, Education, and Services) is a private, non-profit organization dedicated to protecting children and strengthening families.
NRV CARES strives to improve the lives of the smallest and most defenseless members of our society, while helping to support an environment where families can thrive. Contact NRV Cares for more information.
In partnership with New River Community Action (NRCA), Luther Memorial offers the Von Bora House, located on the church campus, to eligible families identified by NRCA who are in need of housing. These families may live at the house rent-free until they can get back on their feet; NRCA pays all utility bills, and Luther Memorial maintains the home and provides furnishings. In addition, the church quilting group gives every family a quilt, and children are provided with books.
Valley Interfaith Child Care (VICCC) was organized in 2004 to address the needs of
low-income working parents with infant and toddler children, who had few or no choices
for good, affordable places to leave their children while they worked. VICCC now provides high-quality, affordable, fully-state-licensed care to the children of income-eligible working families of the Valley, offering
a nurturing environment for children from
low-income families to learn and grow.
Each week, members and guests at Luther Memorial worship services may drop spare change into a special box on leaving the sanctuary. These funds are given to local charity organizations to support their work.
You may mail your contribution, marked “Change for Change” to Luther Memorial, 600 Prices Fork Road, Blacksburg, VA 24060.
Montgomery County Emergency Assistance Program (MCEAP) is a 100% volunteer-run organization providing food, clothing, household items and financial assistance to Montgomery County low-income, unemployed, elderly or handicapped individuals and families. MCEAP strongly believes in providing a hand up instead of a handout. Please contact MCEAP for information on how to donate or volunteer.
Quilters meet periodically to create quilts
that support persons in need, including victims of flood, fire or other disasters. We also donate quilts to residents of the von Bora House, owned by Luther Memorial and operated by New River Community Action organization, a service that provides shelter for persons experiencing homelessness.
Luther Memorial Church is proud to partner with many community organizations in the Blacksburg area, offering support in many ways including use of our facilities.