Tel: 540-951-1000
Tel: 540-951-1000
Tel: 540-951-1000
Tel: 540-951-1000
The fifth Sunday after Epiphany continues to highlight unlikely instruments and circumstances appointed to reveal God’s glory. “Who will go for us?” God asks. A person of unclean lips, a former persecutor of the church of God, and three fishermen who couldn’t catch a thing. More surprising still, perhaps, is that we are also called.
Please join us for worship with Holy Communion every Sunday at 10 am - all are welcome!
Lutherans understand the sacrament of holy communion as a gift of God in Christ Jesus, and as a means of grace by which we receive assurance of God’s love and forgiveness. As Jesus instructs his followers at The Last Supper, we celebrate holy communion when we gather together in person. This sacrament is distributed by an ordained pastor or authorized lay communion minister using elements consecrated in live worship because at Jesus’ table, we are blessed by the real presence of Christ alive in us, gathered as community, through the bread and wine. In this gift of communion we remember that Jesus gave his life willingly for all people, to reveal that God’s love and mercy do not end at death: in baptism we are united with Jesus for eternal life.
Because holy communion is celebrated when we gather in person as the Body of Christ, Luther Memorial does not offer a pre-recorded communion service. During the pandemic, ELCA bishops determined that persons who watch live digital worship may commune from their location if they watch a live communion service; it is not appropriate to commune by watching a pre-recorded service.
To receive holy communion, you have several options:
If you have any questions about the Lutheran understanding of holy communion, please email
“…for the kingdom of God is within you.” ~Luke 17:21
For a pre-recorded Gospel reading and Sermon,
dial (540) 951-1000 after 5 pm and on weekends.
All Places Together (APT) is a non-geographic community, based in Virginia. We seek to gather individuals who are searching for God in the wilderness of life, individuals who deeply want to connect to something beyond themselves, and individuals who believe the love of Jesus is embodied in all of God’s diverse creation.
For more information, please e-mail us at
Connect with us on Facebook and Instagram: @AllPlacesTogether
Peace and Hope, a new digital Synod Authorized Worshipping Community in the Virginia Synod, launched in June 2021 to provide a place for congregations to combine their gifts to provide digital worship and digital learning opportunities for individuals around the Synod.
If you are out of town for the weekend or are in need of a digital worship service, feel free to visit Services take place at 10 am and 7 pm each Sunday and may be viewed here.
Each week, Pastor Bryan Katz, the mission developer for Peace and Hope, will produce a digital worship experience using a platform called AltarLive. Elements of worship will be pre-recorded by partners in Peace and Hope - the latest service may be viewed below. If you have any questions, reach out to Pastor Monica or Pastor Bryan.