Tel: 540-951-1000
Tel: 540-951-1000
Tel: 540-951-1000
Tel: 540-951-1000
This survey provides an avenue that lets us know in what ways you may want to serve our church and community throughout this year. Your generosity and care for our church were wonderfully apparent during the fall stewardship campaign. This spring, we ask you to consider helping by giving your time and talents. Your caring responses to this survey help fulfill this congregation's many programmatic needs and community missions. If you wonder whether you can meet the responsibility of such volunteering, remember that grace is abundant in this community. Those with more experience are always available to give the advice you may need.
Please complete the survey and mail your response to the church, deliver it in person to the church office, or place your response in the basket provided in the Narthex, or complete this electronic version and email it to the church office. If you wish to continue volunteering for your current interests and roles, please confirm by signing up again. And please feel free to sign up to try something else or something new. We will share your responses with the staff, committee chairs, convenors, and Stewardship Committee members, who joyfully welcome your help.
We would like to bring to your attention some specific volunteer opportunities that need filling. The Congregation Care Committee requires a chair or co-chairs. We need a small team to update the bulletin boards regularly. The Livestream Operator team could use more volunteers. When substitutes are required for communion set-up and clean-up, it would be great to have a list of members who could step in. The fellowship hall sidewalk needs shoveling after snowstorms. There are many opportunities to connect with our church and members. Please consider the committee and tasks on the following form.
The Stewardship Committee is grateful for all you have done, given, and will continue to do. Thank you in advance for participating in this year’s survey and the life and events of Luther Memorial.
LMLC Stewardship Committee