Tel: 540-951-1000
Tel: 540-951-1000
Tel: 540-951-1000
Tel: 540-951-1000
Please join us for worship and Holy Communion every Sunday at 10 am - all are welcome! Masks and social distancing are required. Worship services will also be livestreamed and can be accessed here.
Participants will create a 3-D star book from paper and board. A star book looks like a traditional book but opens to become a star structure. The book will become a place to record one’s thoughts and insights related to the investigation of the star word received during the Epiphany service. No drawing talent necessary! If you can cut with scissors and use glue you can do this!
Note: We will only construct the book during this workshop. Work on the content of the book will be done independently or at a future meeting time decided by the group.
Bring a bag lunch and come join the fun:
· Tuesday, March 11, 2025
· Noon – 1:30 pm
· Please bring scissors, glue, and an open mind!
Sign up through the church office. All paper and boards will be provided.
Noon: Imposition of Ashes in Chapel, Noon
7pm: Worship w Imposition of Ashes & Holy Communion, 7pm
Contemplative Prayer and Chapel at Noon
Lenten Soup Supper, 5:45pm
Holden Evening Prayer, 6:30pm
Choir, 7pm
This year the Fellowship Committee plans to observe quarterly Birthday Fellowship celebrations as follows:
March 9th: March, April & May Birthdays
June 8: June, July & August Birthdays
Sept 28: September, October & November Birthdays
Dec 7: December Birthdays & Advent Fellowship
We need hosts for the June 8th, Sept 28th and Dec 7th celebrations. Please email Carla Liversedge or Marcia Barrow if you can host! If you have not provided your birthday month to the Church Office, please email the LMLC Office with your information.
Happy New Year! May 2025 be a time of faithfulness, joy and peace. You're invited to participate in two separate faith activities as you set your intentions for 2025:
1) Read the Bible chronologically. Every day, you read a few chapters in the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, organized to explore the story of God and God's people across the passage of history. Any NRSV Bible will work, and you can find a schedule here: Chronological Bible Reading
Participants will be invited to gather on occasion to discuss their experiences of reading Scripture chronologically, and how it changed their relationship with God in Christ Jesus. Our first discussion will take place in February, stay tuned!
2) Attend a special Prayer Service in our Chapel on Monday, January 20th. From noon-1pm, we will gather to pray for our nation and our leadership, that human dignity, peace and compassion will prevail.
Luther Forum Talks With Screwtape
The Luther Forum, an adult discussion class which meets each Sunday morning at 8:45am in the campus center, will start back on January 19, 2025. The focus will be The Screwtape Letters, by C. S. Lewis. The class will meet each week, both in person and via Zoom. The zoom link and the schedule of readings may be obtained by contacting Bill King at
C. S. Lewis was one of the most popular Christian writers of the 20th Century. Second only to the Narnia series The Screwtape Letters continues to be one of Lewis' most popular books. Using the literary device of a series of letters sent from an experienced devil, Screwtape, to an apprentice demon, Wormword, Lewis explores the challenges of Christian faith and discipleship. Beginning with a young man's conversion, Lewis reflects on the obstacles which disciples face in following the way of Jesus.
Chapters are short and the writing is engaging. This is a study for anyone who struggles to follow Jesus in the ordinary places of life. Copies of the book are readily available online or at local bookstores.
Please check the LMLC calendar for the choir rehearsal dates! If you have any questions or would like to join the fun, please email Amy! 🎶
The Thursday morning 8 am Men’s Bible Study meets weekly on Thursdays at 8 am via Zoom. The focus of this men's Bible Study is to study the Gospel reading designated by the Common Lectionary for the upcoming Sunday. Please contact Bill King or Mark Pierson if you have any questions.
We are currently on break for the summer. Classes will resume September 12, 2024. Contact Phil Jordan with questions.
Interested in joining The Well Campus Ministry for upcoming events? Check the Luther Memorial calendar to find out what's happening, read the weekly e-mail on The Well website page, visit The Well Facebook page, or e-mail and ask to receive the weekly e-mail about upcoming activities!
Peace and Hope, a new digital Synod Authorized Worshipping Community in the Virginia Synod, launched in June 2021 to provide a place for congregations to combine their gifts to provide digital worship and digital learning opportunities for individuals around the Synod.
If you are out of town for the weekend or are in need of a digital worship service, feel free to visit Services take place at 10 am and 7 pm each Sunday and may be viewed here. Click here to view the latest recorded worship service. If you have any questions, reach out to Pastor Monica or Pastor Bryan.
All Places Together (APT) is a non-geographic community, based in Virginia. APT seeks to gather individuals who are searching for God in the wilderness of life, individuals who deeply want to connect to something beyond themselves, and individuals who believe the love of Jesus is embodied in all of God’s diverse creation. Thanks to Rev. Colleen Montgomery of the Virginia Synod for this gift of online worship! More information on this and Pastor Bryan Katz's Peace and Hope Digital Ministry...
We love to share photos of our congregation at worship, at work in the community and of our events on the website and on social media! Please grab your camera or phone and take a few shots at upcoming events. E-mail your pictures with a brief description to our communications coordinator.